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Child Africa Bike Challenge 2015


Fund raising though challenges is a well recognized in Europe. When a person signs up to participate in a challenge Child Africa Bike Challengethey commit themselves to raising funds for their chosen charity. Child Africa Bike Challenge is a well organized fund raising event through a well recognized and a nationally awarded tour operator. Classic Tours of London and Child Africa have been working together on this challenge for several months.

During the last 20 years Classic Tours has organized 100’s of fund raising challenges across the world and raised £75 million for charities. The aim of the Child Africa Bike Challenge is to raise funds to build dormitory sections, showers and sick bays for the new Child Africa Kabale School and for the Equator school.

This well planned bike challenge will have been tried out by the local guide for our challenge from beginning to end before 2012. Our challenge is for anybody of average fitness who enjoys a challenge. For participants safety there are conditions for participation, forms to be completed and personal commitment involved.

This challenge is open for anybody who wishes to raise funds for Child Africa. Uganda is a beautiful country with varied scenery. Uganda was voted the top country to visit in 2012 by Lonely Planet.
It will give sponsors who enjoy cycling an opportunity to visit Child Africa Equator School and Child Africa Junior School, Kabale. Sponsors who have a sponsor child will be able to meet their sponsor child and view the school they attend.

After registering for our challenge you will be given all the information you need for successful fund raising and for your challenge ahead. This event promises to be an event that participants will never forget.

Look at the other pages on this website and the brochure for more details. If the Child Africa Bike Challenge sounds interesting, contact for a detailed information pack. 

PDF View the Child Africa Bike Challenge e brochure 

Child Africa acting as an agent of Classic Tours (A.T.O.L. number 3379)

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