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Donate Bricks to Build Our School

Help Build Our New School for 2,000 Children in Kabale, Uganda

  • 1. Give a Donation

Child Africa  plans to start the building of the new Child Africa Junior School in Kabale in January 2013.  200 deaf children along with 1,800 non-deaf children  will receive an education there, making the school one of a kind. We need 1.9 million bricks for the total school project and we need your financial support to produce and buy all these bricks. Several thousand bricks have been made from a hill of clay on the new school site. Several local people were able to support their families though this project.  As from December 2013 we have to buy all the bricks. Local workforce will be used to build the new school.
Give  1 Euro and you support us with 4 bricks
(minimum brick purchase is 40 bricks = 10 Euros).

Signature Bricks

For each donation of 500 Euros (2,000 bricks) you will get yours or the company’s name engraved on one brick. This brick will be put for display on one of the front walls of the school.

Title Donation Amount No. of bricks Total Units Needed Sponsored Not Sponsored Yet
Bricks for school building 40 1,900,000 34,748 1,865,252
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