Child Africa - a child charity organization. Become a sponsor!
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Monthly Donations Gives Security to Child Africa Children

Support Our Work by Giving Monthly Donations

  • 1. Monthly Donation

Support Child Africa by donating monthlyMonthly Donation

We depend on regular donations to ensure stability and security for our work in Uganda and Kenya. Monthly donations cover everyday running expenses e.g  school employees salaries for teachers, carers, school nurses, accountant, rent, electricity, water, food and other fixed expenses.

Continual inflation in both Uganda and Kenya adds extra economic pressure to our charity organisation.  Every Euro counts for Child Africa; we appreciate every Euro and donation. If you decide to support us on a monthly basis with a specific amount, you are not bound to this sum. You can change the donation amount, change donation day and also stop/start the monthly donation at any time by logging onto your sponsor page.

With your help we can make a difference to the future of many  poor children in Africa!

Note! The first donation will be charged after submitting step 3 of this form. The next donation will automatically be charged next month on the day you specify below.

Monthly Donation Amount: Euros
Preferred Donation Day:
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