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Anxious Kakuru Tugume

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Anxious Kakuru Tugume

does not have a sponsor. By sponsoring this child, you will give this child a proper education and food, also clothing and medical help if necessary. We encourage you to pay every 3 months as school fees are paid at the beginning of each term and all school provisions have to be purchased at the beginning of each term.

First Name: Anxious Kakuru Click here to see more information or to sponsor this child
Last Name: Tugume
Gender: Boy
Born: 5/27/2010 (13 years old)
School: Not in school
Information: Anxious is born in a family of 3 children, he has a twin brother and an elder sister. They live with their mother who does odd jobs around the village for survival. The mother struggles to provide the basics for the kids. Anxious loves being at school but is in and out of school because unstable school fees payment. He needs help with fees to attain stable and quality education.
School fee:
Boarding fee:
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Remember! As the first charity organization in the world, we can offer you a whole new system of communication with this child. This gives you more control of how your money is being spent and it also gives you a more personal relation to the child (and other children if you want to sponsor more than one). Please note that your sponsor money goes to the children. Administrative costs are covered from other sources.

Anxious Kakuru is waiting for you!

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